Intro to Resistance Stretching
Location and date:
Move SF
2863 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Sunday, July 23, 2017
9:00am to 5:00pm with 1-hour lunch
- Recorded lecture (powerpoint with voiceover)
- Lecture slides handout
- 2 video courses (1 upper body and 1 lower body)
- Bonus video – troubleshooting tips
- Manual with photos and instructions
$235 early registration (includes complete digital course) before July 1st
$175 early regsitration (live course only) before July 1st
$285 late registration w/digital course starting July 1st
$225 late registration w/o digital course starting July 1st
Course Description:
Jules Mitchell and Charlie Reid offer this introductory course to resistance stretching designed for yoga teachers and other movement professionals interested in adding assisted stretching techniques to their repertoire. Get plenty of hands-on practical training, enabling you to apply these methods immediately after the course. Additionally, Jules and Charlie troubleshoot mobility issues as they arise, providing you with insight into their talent for assessment and protocol selection. Course includes manual with instructions and photos for each exercise, a 1-hour lecture accompanied by a slideshow investigating the biomechanical and neuromechanical theory behind resistance stretching, a detailed tutorial on the art of compassionate touch and safe body mechanics, and tons of fun.
About Jules & Charlie
Upper body stretches:
- Back/posterior shoulder
- Chest/anterior shoulder
- Deltoid/trap
- Anterior deltoid
- Lats
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Bench press
Lower body stretches:
- Hamstrings
- Quads
- Hip flexors
- Adductors
- Abductors
- Hip rotators
- Glutes