300hr Yoga Teacher Training 2026

with Jules Mitchell

Next 300hr yoga teacher training starts in 2026

Complete the form below to be the first to know when registration opens up.
Choose which format you prefer:

  • In-Person: 2 weeks in Las Vegas, 2-3 month break, another 2 weeks in Las Vegas
  • Online: 24 days in 2-3 day segments over a 4-6 month period
  • Hybrid:  2 weeks in Las Vegas, 1-2 month break, 12 days online in 2-3 day segments over a 2-3 month period

300HR Yoga Teacher Training Online

Join Jules Mitchell’s 300 hour advanced yoga teacher training in a new format. This program is ideal for those who have an interest in biomechanics, principles of exercise science, applications of pain science, neuroanatomy, and stretching.

Jules Mitchell’s Yoga Alliance approved 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training 2026 includes 2 required modules, homework before and after the modules, select bonus online lectures, an elective with a South Asian/Desi teacher, and one-on-one mentoring with Jules.

Real-time participation is expected, whether online or in-person.

Content is heavy on biomechanics, principles of exercise science, applications of pain science, neuroanatomy, and stretching. These themes are combined with somatics, motor control theory, pose analysis and purpose, use of props for proprioception and/or specific adaptations, pathology, restorative yoga, and intentional sequencing. Participants will learn to read original research papers and analyze them for both their strengths and their biases. Critical thinking and intellectual discourse are central components in this training, which was designed to help yoga teachers navigate through contradictory perspectives and empower them with education.

Learn biomechanics, pain science, and somatic movements from leaders in their respective fields. Learn to apply this knowledge to group yoga classes and private sessions alike.


Neuroanatomy and neuroscience
Props and proprioception

Immerse yourself in the richness of yoga and the rigor of research for an advanced yoga teacher training that will forever impact the way you teach.


Greg Lehman BKin, MSc, DC, MScPT:
Reconciling Pain Science with Biomechanics
Todd Hargrove JD:
Feldenkrais and Pain Science
Rochelle Hines PhD:
Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy
Marcia Denis DPT, CYT:
Understanding Chronic Illness & Disability
Shelly Prosko PT, CPI, C-IAYT:
Exploring the Pelvic Floor and More through Yoga


Catherine Cowey: Hypermobility and Yoga
Melissa Smith: Savasana Immersion
Angela Singer: Meditation
Chelsea Danae: Restorative Intensive
Ariana Rabinovitch: Yoga Research Literacy
Indu Vashist: History of Asana

Guest Faculty

Guest teachers are subject to change based on availability.

Jules and her all-star guest faculty line-up offer an unparralleled yoga education. While each presenter has their own message, the narratives layer on top of each other to help you reinforce major themes and become a movement optimist.

300 hour advanced science-based yoga teacher training

“The content was incredible. I keep telling people I have years of info to continue to learn from as a result of this training. It opened my eyes wider than I could have imagined and has really brought a new sense of love for our miraculous bodies and yoga. ❤️”

“I really valued the care and attentiveness Jules offered in her training. Jules holds the space so well for her learners to explore, express, and engage with the content of her 300-hour training. This content is also incredibly valuable. It’s relevant, in-depth but also vastly applicable no matter who or how you teach.”

“I not only already feel like a better yoga teacher, but have learned so much about critical thinking, inclusivity, creativity, and spirituality which were definitely not things I expected to get out of this biomechanics TT.”

“I loved the way complex topics were broken down and addressed from a variety of viewpoints from different voices so I felt I really understood to content. The training was not about a strict dogma or way to do things, rather it was an exploration of knowledge and discussion on how we could apply the learning to our existing frameworks. The training was brilliantly planned and unfolded in surprising ways, just like one of Jules’s practical classes. I learnt so much.”

Yoga Alliance regsitered 200 hour school
Yoga Alliance registered 300 hour yoga school

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School

Udaya RYS 200
Udaya RYS 300