Free Yoga and Hypermobility Webinar

Free Yoga and Hypermobility Webinar

A free webinar for yoga teachers on how you can recognize hypermobility symptoms in your students and how to modify your yoga classes to support this population.

Is Yoga Enough

Is Yoga Enough

I was recently posed the ultimate question yoga teachers get, “How do you respond to people who say yoga isn’t enough?”

This struck a chord with me, as I’ve noticed a pervasive trend on social media where the narrative of yoga’s insufficiency is all too common, often perpetuated even by yoga teachers themselves.

The Marketing Witch Podcast

The Marketing Witch Podcast

How can yoga and wellness business owners navigate this new landscape and market their businesses in an authentic way? Take a listen to this chat with Jules and learn what it takes to truly market your business online.

Free Yoga and Hypermobility Webinar

How To Teach Pigeon Pose

There are a lot of exaggerated claims about the effects of single pigeon pose and how to teach it. It’s either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. As is usually the case when it comes to exercise interventions and injury prevention, the more realistic position is usually somewhere between the extremes.

Yoga Meets Movement Science Podcast

Yoga Meets Movement Science Podcast

In this episode, Jules talks with Jenni and Travis about machine learning and yoga asana. If you are resisting AI or if love all things technology, Jules’ insights into biomechanics and the yoga related research will give you something to think about.