Episode 67: Not All Yoga Styles Are The Same

Episode 67: Not All Yoga Styles Are The Same

In today’s episode, we review the paper Not All Yoga Styles Are the Same: An International Survey on Characteristics of Yoga Classes. The researchers conducted an English language survey of 968 yoga teachers across 64 countries to describe and quantify the various components of different styles of yoga being taught worldwide.

Episode 68: Yoga vs Stretching for Neck and Shoulder Pain

Episode 64: Welcome to the New YRB Format

Are you struggling with all the conflicting yoga and fitness advice? Ariana Raven and Jules Mitchell have got you covered! Join us as we break down the latest research on yoga and exercise, debunk myths, and teach you how to apply scientific findings to the way you teach and practice yoga.This podcast is perfect for yoga teachers and fitness pros who want to ground their practice in science. Subscribe to get updates on our lively discussions, and research insights, while participating in a fun learning experience!